Category: Resource
To prepare for Session 6 – Going Forth, Please enjoy the “ResilienZone” practice introduced in the audio recordings below, as well as the “Letter from Gaia” writing practice and the poem by Redwood Reider. Please also explore the optional guided meditation, readings and videos listed below. Audio: “ResilienZone” Introduction and purpose: Audio: “ResilienZone” Practice: Homeplay Guided…
To prepare for Session 5 – Seeing with New Eyes: The Council of All Beings please enjoy the 36 minute video presentation below. It is very important this week that you also take the time to prepare for your role in the Council of All Beings by getting outside in nature, finding your non-human ally, and…
To prepare for Session 4 – Remembering: Cosmogenesis and Seeing With New Eyes please enjoy the 20 minute video presentation below. Please also take the time to explore the embodied practices in the form of recorded guided meditations, the home task, and additional resources. Video presentation Comic Walk Timeline: online version We will be exploring…
To prepare for Session 3 – Honouring Our Pain, please enjoy the 50min video, home tasks and guided meditations below. This video as been prepared by members of the facilitation team, Inna, Tenzin, and Eshana. Video Presentation Home Tasks: Guided Meditations: Please practice the following short guided meditations before the session (about 20 and…
“Praise beloveds, let us disappear into praising. Nothing belongs to us” -Rilke To prepare for Session 2 – Gratitude and Praise, please enjoy the 35min video, home tasks and guided meditations below. Video Presentation This video presentation is brought to you by facilitation team members Skye Indira and Miraz. This week we are moving…
Hello and welcome to the preparatory material for week one of our 6 week course: “Deep Ecology Online, practices for awakening and resilience in a changing world”. We are so glad you could join us, and look forward to exploring these important topics and more in the weeks to come. To prepare for our first…
Through deep experience, deep questioning and deep commitment emerges deep ecology By Stephan Harding * IN THE 1960s, HAVING read Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, Arne Naess was moved to apply his formidable philosophical skills to understanding the ecological crisis and its resolution. Since becoming the youngest-ever professor of philosophy at the University of Oslo…
“Care flows naturally if the self is widened and deepened so that protection of free nature is felt and conceived of as protection of our very selves. we must find and develop therapies which heal our relations with the widest community, that of all living beings.” -Arne Naess
“Now is the time to share with all life on our maltreated earth by deepening our identification with all life-forms, with the ecosystems, and with Gaia, this fabulous, old planet of ours. we need the immense variety of sources of joy opened through increased sensitivity toward the richness and diversity of life, through the profound…
“The smaller one comes to feel compared to the mountain, the nearer one comes to sharing in its greatness. I don’t know why this is so.” —Arne Naess