Category: General Introduction

introductory content relating to deep ecology and the process as a whole

  • Deep Ecology Online Week 1: Introduction

    Hello and welcome to the preparatory material for week one of our 6 week course: “Deep Ecology Online, practices for awakening and resilience in a changing world”. We are so glad you could join us, and look forward to exploring these important topics and more in the weeks to come. To prepare for our first…

  • One of the things that people more grounded in the Earth than ourselves have always known, and continue to know, is that it is not difficult for us to be the voices of nature, or to allow other beings to speak through us, that we can become a medium for their truth. This is the…

  • Transcripts by Chris Lehman from the Council of All Beings workshop at Northern Pines Lodge (Maine, USA) on 24/25 October 1992. There are as many ways to conduct Councils of All Beings as thereare people facilitating this form. Having introduced hundreds ofthese workshops, lots of people have asked me for a transcript ofmy typical intro…

  • (See transcript of John’s introduction for more details.) Some of the important points to include are: * History of the Council of All BeingsBrief explanation of deep ecology, ecological selfJoanna Macy – despair and empowermentJohn and Joanna created new workshop from combination of deep ecology and despair/empowerment; 100s held around the world; book ‘Thinking Like…