Category: Video
film and video content
Hello and welcome to the preparatory material for week one of our 6 week course: “Deep Ecology Online, practices for awakening and resilience in a changing world”. We are so glad you could join us, and look forward to exploring these important topics and more in the weeks to come. To prepare for our first…
A tale of endangered species featuring David Attenborough, David Suzuki, David Bellamy, Jack Thompson, Olivia Newton John, Koala, Owl, Quoll & Glider. For the young at heart. This film was originally posted on the Rainforest Information Centre Youtube channel:
For a full transcript of the Interview with Arne Naess in this documentary visit:
A song about our Origins and cosmic story written by Theo Simons of the band Seize the Day (…), and sung here by deep ecologist, author and activist John Seed ( and John is singing it in MoonCourt in the Blue Mountains of Australia (, which has a brass spiral inlaid in the floor…
Produced & Directed by Jeni KendallCameraman – Paul Tait©1980 Gaia Films This 1980 documentary tells the story of the first eco-blockade in the world – the Terania Creek forest protest in Australia in 1979. A historic event, it brought rainforest preservation into public consciousness and led to the formation of the Nightcap National Park. Narrated…
Produced bythe Rainforest Information Centre ©2014 The story of a movement by Buddhist monks in Cambodia & South-East Asia to save forests by blessing them thus making them sacred & protected.
In this video, filmed in the spring of 2005, John Seed performs some songs and poems. He also offers detailed introductions to some of the group processes he has developed and taken around the world.
// Arunachala is a sacred mountain near Tiruvanamalai in southern India. Seen as a manifestation of the god Shiva, it is a site of great annual pilgrimage. Over the last 20 years, it has also been the site of much tree-planting. This 12 minute documentary tells the story of the formation of the Annamalai Reforestation…