Tag: John Seed
John Seed is founder and director of the Rainforest Information Centre in Australia. Since 1979 he has been involved in the direct actions which have resulted in the protection of the Australian rainforests. In 1984 he helped initiate the US Rainforest Action Network which grew out of the first of his many US roadshows. In 1987 he co-produced…
“The fundamental insight of deep ecology is that underlying all of the symptoms of environmental problems, there is the illusion of separation between human beings and the natural world” -John Seed
“once we realize that the nature within and the nature without are continuous, then we too may share and manifest the exquisite beauty and effortless grace associated with the natural world” John Seed
“Deep ecology is a key to the change we need. To deep ecology, underlying all the symptoms of the environmental crisis lies a psychological or spiritual root – the illusion of separation from the rest of the natural world which stems from anthropocentrism or human-centeredness. Conditioned since the Old Testament to “subdue and dominate” nature,…
An interview with John Seed on the For The Wild Podcast https://forthewild.world/listen/john-seed-on-deep-ecological-identity98 What could our reality look like if we had not grown up in a society so deeply committed to an anthropocentric understanding of cosmos and planet? What would it mean to no longer identify as “the spider in the center, but as a…
Published in 1988, this seminal text by John Seed, Joanna Macy, Arne Naess and Pat Fleming outlines their collective vision for Deep Ecology process. Originally referred to as a “Council of All Beings” these group therapeutic processes aimed at healing humanities’ illusion of separation from the natural world, as a response to the multifaceted challenges…
One of the things that people more grounded in the Earth than ourselves have always known, and continue to know, is that it is not difficult for us to be the voices of nature, or to allow other beings to speak through us, that we can become a medium for their truth. This is the…
This process was derived from Joanna Macy’s Despair and Empowerment work and it’s development is instructive in the organic way that these processes evolve. In the early Councils our Mourning consisted of reading Joanna’s Bestiary or Chief Seattle’s Message and encouraging participants to feel and express the sorrow, rage and despair that naturally arises when…
Transcripts by Chris Lehman from the Council of All Beings workshop at Northern Pines Lodge (Maine, USA) on 24/25 October 1992. There are as many ways to conduct Councils of All Beings as thereare people facilitating this form. Having introduced hundreds ofthese workshops, lots of people have asked me for a transcript ofmy typical intro…
This is the version used by John Seed 2012 with thanks to Miriam McGillis and Ruth Rosenhek Narrator: In the beginning was the Mystery, the churning quantum foam of potentiality. Through the mystery all things came to be. Not one thing had its being but through the mystery. Cosmic Walker lights the candle in the…