Tag: deep time
This post displays a visual version of the “Cosmic walk” group process, a journey that spirals through deep time from the birth of the cosmos to the present day. This process is intended to guide participants in coming into contact with the enourmous scale of time which we now know is spanned by the story…
This is the version used by John Seed 2012 with thanks to Miriam McGillis and Ruth Rosenhek Narrator: In the beginning was the Mystery, the churning quantum foam of potentiality. Through the mystery all things came to be. Not one thing had its being but through the mystery. Cosmic Walker lights the candle in the…
Today The Story of the Universe is being told as our sacred Story. The Flaring Forth continues as this moment, as us, as one. Cosmic Walker says “And this is MY story”
52 years ago Earth is seen as Whole from space. The Earth becomes complex enough to witness her own integral beauty.
60 years ago, humans discover DNA, life’s common language.
85 years ago, empirical evidence of an Expanding Universe is discovered. For the first time humans are aware they live in a developing universe.
250 years ago, scientists begin to calculate the Age of the Earth. Humans try to understand how old the Earth is through empirical observations.
3000 years ago, Classical Religions emerge. Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.
11000 years ago, Agriculture is invented. Humans begin to shape the environment.