Tag: ecological identity

  • “Care flows naturally if the self is widened and deepened so that protection of free nature is felt and conceived of as protection of our very selves. we must find and develop therapies which heal our relations with the widest community, that of all living beings.” -Arne Naess

  • “once we realize that the nature within and the nature without are continuous, then we too may share and manifest the exquisite beauty and effortless grace associated with the natural world” John Seed

  • An interview with John Seed on the For The Wild Podcast https://forthewild.world/listen/john-seed-on-deep-ecological-identity98 What could our reality look like if we had not grown up in a society so deeply committed to an anthropocentric understanding of cosmos and planet? What would it mean to no longer identify as “the spider in the center, but as a…