Category: Remembering
Parent category aggregating content relating to “The Remembering” phase of the deep ecology process; including cosmic walk, our life as gaia, the great story etc
52 years ago Earth is seen as Whole from space. The Earth becomes complex enough to witness her own integral beauty.
60 years ago, humans discover DNA, life’s common language.
85 years ago, empirical evidence of an Expanding Universe is discovered. For the first time humans are aware they live in a developing universe.
250 years ago, scientists begin to calculate the Age of the Earth. Humans try to understand how old the Earth is through empirical observations.
3000 years ago, Classical Religions emerge. Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.
11000 years ago, Agriculture is invented. Humans begin to shape the environment.
100 thousand years ago, Modern Humans emerge. Language, shamanic and goddess religions, and art become integral with human life.
4 million years ago, Hominids leave the forest, stand up, and walk on two legs.
Over the course of the next 60 million years Earth greets rodents, whales, monkeys, horses, cats and dogs,
65 million years ago – Shortly after primates appear on the scene, the Cretaceous period ends with the 6th mass extinction after an asteroid 6 miles in diameter hits the Yucatan peninsula