Category: Contributor

  • Bio: Karina Miotto
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    Bio: Karina Miotto

    Karina is an environmental educator and journalist. She lived in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil for many years and worked with major NGOs. She was an editor of the O Eco website, covering the 9 countries of the Amazon basin. She learnt Deep Ecology directly from Joanna Macy, John Seed and Stephan Harding. She has…

  • Bio: Inna Alex
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    Bio: Inna Alex

    Inna Alex is a passionate deep ecology facilitator, community organizer,  and sustainable living educator. Her earth-based lifestyle in Tui Community, New Zealand, has provided her with many practical skills in permaculture living, organic gardening, healing foods, group facilitation, relationship and women’s work. Inna is the main facilitator of InnaEvolution, offering events that deepen connection for positive action…

  • Bio: Br. Tenzin (Dr. Alex Anderson)

    Tenzin Alex Anderson began his path toward Deep Ecology with a doctorate researching the impacts of Climate Change on rainforest biodiversity. Inspired by teachers such as the late Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, and seeking a more fundamental basis for understanding and connecting to both the human and the natural world, in 2017 he ordained as…

  • Bio: Eshana Bragg

    Eshana is a pioneer in the field of ecopsychology, and has been facilitating deep ecology workshops and the Council of All Beings since the mid-1990’s. She even wrote her PhD about it! As a director of Sustainable Futures Australia, and university lecturer in ecopsychology and action for social change, Eshana is passionate about bringing deep…