This partially annotated list of publications appeared originally on John Seed’s legacy website:, and will be slowly updated as we develop this project.
Applications of Ecological Principles
- Aberley, Doug ed., Futures By Design: The Practice of Ecological Planning, New Society Publishers, 1994.
- Alexander, Christopher, A New Theory of Urban Design, Oxford University Press, 1987.
- Alexander, Christopher, A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, 1977.
- Alexander, Christopher, The Timeless Way of Building, Oxford University Press, 1979.
- Berger, John J., Restoring the Earth, Anchor Press, Doubleday, 1987.
- Bowers, C.A., Educating for an Ecologically Sustainable Culture, SUNY Press, 1995.
- *Devall, Bill, Living Richly in An Age of Limits, Gibbs M.Smith, Inc., 1993.
- Hough, Michael, City Form and Natural Process, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, Inc., 1989.
- Jackson, Wes, New Roots for Agriculture, Friends of the Earth, 1980.
- Lawlor, Robert, Voices of the First Day, Inner Traditions, 1991.
- *Macy, Joanna, Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age, New Society, 1983.
- Margolin, Malcolm, The Earth Manual: How to Work on Wild Land Without Taming It, Borgo Press, 1991.
- McHarg, Ian L., Design With Nature, Doubleday & Co., 1969.
- Orr, David W, Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World, State University of New York Press, 1992.
- Aberley, Doug, ed., Boundaries of Home, New Society Publishers, 1993.
- Andruss, Van, Christopher Plant, Judith Plant & Eleanor Wright, Home!: A Bioregional Reader, New Society Publishers, 1990.
- Harrington, Sheila, ed., Giving the Land a Voice: Mapping our Home Place. (To purchase: Salt Spring Island Community Services, 268 Fulford-Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island, V8K 2K6, Canada.
- Sale, Kirkpatrick, Dwellers in the Land, Sierra Club Books, 1985.
- Snyder, Gary, The Practice of the Wild, North Point Press, 1990.
Conservation Biology
- Grumbine, R. Edward, Ghost Bears, Island Press, 1992.
- Mills, Stephanie, In Service of the Wild, Beacon Press, Boston Massachusetts, l995.
- Noss, Reed, Saving Nature’s Legacy: Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity, Island Press, 1994.
- Wildlands Project, ed., Place of the Wild, Island Press, 1994.
Deep Ecology
- *Abram, David, The Spell of the Sensuous, Pantheon Press, 1996.
- Davis, John, Earth First Reader, Peregrine Smith, 1991.
- *Devall, Bill & George Sessions, Deep Ecology, Gibbs M. Smith, Inc. 1985.
- *Devall, Bill, Simple in Means, Rich in Ends: Practicing Deep Ecology, Peregrine Smith Books, 1988.
- Drengson, Alan & Yuichi Inoue, eds., The Deep Ecology Movement:An Introductory Anthology, Spring 1995.
- Foreman, Dave, Confessions of an Eco-Warrior, Harmony Books,1991.
- Fox, Warwick, Toward A Transpersonal Ecology, Shambhala, 1990.
- LaChapelle, Dolores, Sacred Land, Sacred Sex: Rapture of the Deep, Finn Hill Arts, 1988.
- *Macy, Joanna & Pat Fleming, Arne Naess, John Seed, Thinking Like A Mountain, New Society Publishers, 1988.
- *Macy, Joanna, World as Lover, World As Self, Parallax Press, 1991.
- Naess, Arne, Ecology, Community and Lifestyle, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- Reed, Peter & David Rothenberg, Wisdom In The Open Air, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1993.
- Rothenberg, David, Is It Painful To Think?, University of Minnesota Press, 1993.
- Sessions, George, Deep Ecology for the 21st Century, Shambhala Publications, l995.
- Tobias, Michael ed., Deep Ecology, Avant Books, 1985.
- Adams, Carol, ed., Eco-feminism and the Sacred, Continuum Publishing Co., 1993.
- Diamond, Irene & Gloria Feman Orenstein, ed., Reweaving the World, Sierra Club Books, 1990.
- Griffin, Susan, Woman and Nature, Harper & Row, 1978.
- Guard, Greta, ed., Ecofeminism, Women, Animals and Nature, Temple University Press, l993.
- Keller, Catherine, From a Broken Web: Separation, Sexism, and Self, Beacon Press, 1983.
- Merchant, Carolyn, The Death of Nature, Harper & Row, 1980.
- Plant, Judith, ed., Healing the Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism, New Society Publishers, 1989.
- Plumwood, Valerie, Feminism and the Mastery of Nature, Routledge, 1993.
- Shiva, Vandana & Maria Mies, Ecofeminism, Zed Books, 1994.
- Shiva, Vandana, Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, and Development, Zed Books, 1988.
- Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark, Beacon Press, 1982.
Economics, Politics and Culture
- Berry, Wendell, Home Economics, North Point Press, 1987.
- Berry, Wendell, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture, Sierra Club Books, 1977.
- Berry, Wendell, What Are People For?, North Point Press, 1987.
- Daly, Herman & John B. Cobb, Jr., For the Common Good, Beacon Press, 1989.
- Eckersley, Robin, Environmentalism and Political Theory, State Univ. of New York Press, 1992.
- Ekins, Paul, ed., The Living Economy, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Inc. 1986.
- Gore, Al, Earth In Balance, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992.
- Henderson, Hazel, Creating Alternative Futures: The End of Economics, Kumarian Press, 1978
- Henderson, Hazel, Building a Win-Win World, Kumarian Press, 1996.
- Hawken, Paul, The Ecology of Commerce, HarperCollins, 1993.
- Korten David, When Corporations Rule the World, Kumarian Press, 1995.
- Manders, Jerry, In The Absence of the Sacred, Sierra Club, 1991.
- Manes, Christopher, Green Rage, Little, Brown and Co., 1990.
- Norberg-Hodge, Helena, Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh, Sierra Club Books, 1991.
- Spretnak, Charlene, The Spiritual Dimensions of Green Politics, Bear & Co., 1986.
- Turner, Frederick, Beyond Geography, Rutgers Univ. Press, 1983.
- Glendinning, Chellis, “My Name Is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization,” Shambhala, Publications, Inc., 1994.
- Mathews, Freya, The Ecological Self, Barnes & Noble Books, 1991.
- Roszak, Theodore, Person/Planet, Doubleday, 1979.
- Roszak, Theodore, The Voice of the Earth, Simon and Schuster, 1992.
- Roszak, Theodore, Mary Gomes and Allen Kanner, ed. Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind, Sierra Club Books, 1995.
- Shepard, Paul, Nature and Madness, Sierra Club Books, 1982.
- Thomashow, Mitchell, Ecological Identity, M. I. T., 1995.
- Environmental Ethics and Theory Davis, Donald, Ecophilosophy: A Field Guide to the Literature, R&E Miles, 1989.
- Kellert, Stephen & Edward Wilson, eds. The Biophilia Hypothesis, Island Press, l993.
- Kropotkin, Pyotr, Mutual Aid, Porter Sargent Publishers, 1902 & 1914.
- List, Peter C., Radical Environmentalism, Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1993.
- Merchant, Carolyn ed. , Ecology, Humanities Press, 1994.
- Merchant, Carolyn, Radical Ecology, Routledge, 1992.
- Nash, Roderick, The Rights of Nature, University of Wisconsin Press, 1989.
- Nash, Roderick, Wilderness and the American Mind, Yale University Press, 1967.
- Oelschlaeger, Max, ed., The Wilderness Condition: Essays in Wilderness and Civilization, Sierra Club Books, 1992.
- Zimmerman, Michael, Contesting Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and Post Modernity, University of California Press, 1994.
Environmental Issues
- Brown, Lester, State of the World (Series), World Watch Institute, 1996.
- Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1962.
- *Devall, Bill, ed., Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry, Sierra Club Books, 1995.
- Fobes, N., & Jay, T., Reaching Home: Pacific Salmon People, Northwest Publishing Co., 1995.
- Helvarg, David, The War Against the Greens, Sierra Club, 1994.
- Little, Charles, The Dying of the Trees, Viking, 1995.
- Wilson, Edward O., The Diversity of Life, Harvard University Press, 1992.
Environmental Justice
- Bullard, Robert D., Confronting Environmental Racism, South End Press, 1993.
Living Systems Theory
- Bateson, Gregory, Steps to an Ecology of Mind, Ballantine Books, 1972.
- Capra, Fritjof & Brother David Steindl-Rast, Belonging to the Universe: Explorations on the Frontiers of Science and Spirituality, Harper SF, 1992
- Capra, Fritjof, The Turning Point, Bantam, 1981.
- Goldsmith, Edward, The Way: An Ecological Worldview, Shambhala Publications, Inc., 1993.
- Krapfel, Paul, Shifting: Nature’s Way of Change, Paul Krapfel, 1989.
- *Macy, Joanna, Mutual Causality: Buddhism & General Systems Theory, State University of New York Press, 1991.
- Meadows, Donela H., Ed., Beyond the Limits, American Forum, 1992.
- Sahtouris, Elisabet, Gaia: From Chaos to Cosmos, Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1989.
Nature Writings
- *Kaza, Stephanie, The Attentive Heart: Conversations with Trees, Ballantine Books, 1993.
- Knowles, Karen, ed., Celebrating the Land: Women Nature Writings 1850-1991, Northland Publishers, 1992.
- Leopold, Aldo, A Sand County Almanac, Oxford University Press, 1949
- Lopez, Barry, Arctic Dreams, Scribner, 1986.
- Lopez, Barry, Crossing Open Ground, Random House, 1989.
- Nelson, Richard, The Island Within, Northpoint, 1989.
- Tempest, Williams-Terry, Refuge, Random, 1992.
- Tempest, Williams-Terry, An Unspoken Hunger, First Vintage Books, 1995.
- Willers, Bill., ed., Learning to Listen to the Land, Island Press, 1991.
Spirituality, Religion, and Cosmology
- Badiner, Allan Hunt, ed., Dharma Gaia, Parallax Press, 1990.
- Batchelor, Martine & Kerry Brown, Buddhism and Ecology, Sterling, 1992.
- Berry, Thomas, The Dream of the Earth, Sierra Club Books, 1990.
- Fox, Matthew, The Reinvention of Work, Harper San Francisco, 1995.
- Gottlieb, Roger, ed., This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature and the Environment, Routledge, New York, 1996.
- *Hull, Fritz, Earth and Spirit, The Continuum Publishing Co., 1993.
- Lonergan, Anne & Caroline Richards, Thomas Berry and the New Cosmology, Twenty-Third Publications, 1987.
- McDaniel, Jay, With Roots and Wings, Orbis, 1995.
- Nollman, Jim, Spiritual Ecology, Bantam Books, 1990
- *Roberts, Elizabeth & Elias Amidon, eds., Earth Prayers, HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.
- *Roberts, Elizabeth & Elias Amidon, eds., Life Prayers, HarperSanFrancisco, 1996.
- Rockefeller, Steven C. & John Elder, Spirit and Nature, Beacon Press, 1992.
- Schenk, Jim What Does God Look Like In an Expanding Universe 2006
This anthology, What Does God Look Like In an Expanding Universe, brings together exciting ideas, images and thoughts of scientists, theologians, thinkers and writers of our time, who have been dealing with the questions of God, Life and Death based on our present understanding of the expanding Universe. This book will expand and possibly change your own answers to these questions. Besides John Seed, such people as Joanna Macy, Thomas Berry, Edgar Mitchell, Miriam Therese MacGillis, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Brian Swimme, Rosemary Radford Ruether and Matt Fox share their thoughts on โWhere Did We Come From,โ โWhy Are We Here,โ โand What Happens After Death.โ Go to to find out more about the book and order it. - Spretnak, Charlene, States of Grace, HarperSanFrancisco, 1993.
- Swimme, Brian & Berry, Tom, The Universe Story, HarperCollins, 1992.
- Swimme, Brian, The Universe is a Green Dragon, Bear & Company, 1986.
- Chase, Steve, ed., Defending the Earth: A Dialogue Between Murray Bookchin and Dave Foreman, South End Press, 1991.
- Fox, Stephen, John Muir and His Legacy: The American Conservation Movement, Little, Brown, and Co., 1981.
- Jensen, Derrick, Listening to the Land: Conversations About Nature, Culture, and Eros, Sierra Club Books, 1995.
- Robbins, John, Diet for a New America, Stillpoint, 1987.
- Elgin, Duane, Voluntary Simplicity, William Morrow and Co., Starhawk, Fifth Sacred Thing, (Fiction)
- Creation Spirituality, Box 8749, Emeryville, CA 94662.
- Earth First Journal, P.O. Box 1415, Eugene, OR 97440.
- Earth Island Journal, 300 Broadway Ste. 28, San Francisco, CA 94133-3312.
- EarthLight, 1558 Mercy St., Mountain View CA 94041.
- Ecopsychology Newsletter, Mill Valley, CA.
- Green Teacher, 95 Robert Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2K5, Canada.
- High Country News, 119 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO 81428.
- In Context, (On the World Wide Web:, 306 Louisa Street, Langley, WA, 98260.
- Journal of Environmental Education, 1319 Eighteenth NW, Washington DC 20036.
- Journal of Environmental Ethics, Dept. of Philosophy, Univ of North Texas, Box 13496, Denton, TX 76203.
- Northwest Environment Watch, 1402 Third Ave., Ste. 1127, Seattle, WA, 98101.
- Orion, 136 E. 64th St., New York, NY 10021
- Talking Leaves, 1430 Willamette, Ste. 367, Eugene, Cascadia Bioregion, OR, 97401.
- Terra Nova, MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward St., Cambridge, MA 02142.
- The Trumpeter, P.O. Box 5856, Victoria, BC V8R 6S8, Canada.
- Whole Earth Review, P.O. Box 38, Sausalito, CA 94966
- Wild Duck Review, 419 Spring St., Suite D, Nevada City, CA 95959.
- Wild Earth, P.O. Box 455, Richmond, VT 05477.
- Worldwatch, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036.
Children’s Stories That Honor the Earth
- Reprinted from Deep Ecology News, Spring 1999 by Brian Lanahan – additional books updated 9/03 from Roger Davies
- * Browner, David Ross, Reading the Earth: A Story of Wildness. California: Berkeley Hills Books, 2000.
- Three children hear an explanation of the origins of the earth and of the evolution of earth’s creatures.
- * Carle, Eric, The Tiny Seed, Picture Book Studio, 1987
In a beautifully illustrated book, Carle portrays the life cycle of a flower through the adventures of a single seed as it struggles to survive and grow. This is a good story to support activities in the garden, as well as a metaphor for the trials and tribulations of growing up. - * Carter, Forrest, The Education of Little Tree, University of New Mexico Press 1976
Autobiographical rememberances of the author’s life with his Eastern Cherokee Hill country grandparents. - *Cowcher, Helen, Rainforest. London: Milet Limited-London, 1997.
- A brightly illustrated book introducing children to the many kinds of plants and animals living in the rainforest.
- * Frasier, Debra, Out of the Ocean. San Diego: Harcourt, 1998.
- A mother and daughter appreciate the many treasures of the ocean– some that fit in the pocket, and some that do not.
- * Gibbons, Gail, Stargazers. New York: Holiday House, 1992.
- A simple introduction to astronomers and astronomy.
- * Hoberman, Mary Ann, A House is a House for Me, Viking Press, 1978
Here is a delightful rhyme book that describes the dwelling places of the many creatures and objects a child encounters in a day. It emphasizes that “each creature that’s known has a house of its own, and the Earth is a house for us all.” - *Jackson, Ellen, The Tree of Life: The Wonders of Evolution. Buffalo, NY :Prometheus Books, 1993.
- A simple story of evolution from the primordial seas to humanity. Locker,
- * Lesser, Carolyn, The Goodnight Circle, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1994.
A good bedtime story about the lives of diurnal animals including deer, squirrels, and foxes, and nocturnal creatures such as moths, owls, and possums as they follow their alternate cycles of waking and sleeping. A realistic portrayal of life’sdaily rhythms and how they affect the lives of fellow creatures. - *McNulty, Faith, How Whales Walked into the Sea. New York: Scholastic Press, 1999.
- Whales were originally land-dwelling mammals that evolved into sea animals– this book explains how.
- * Patterson, Francine, Koko’s Kitten. New York: Scholastic, 1985.
- Koko is a real gorilla who communicates with humans through sign language. This is the story of how she asked for and received a pet cat, and how she cared for and loved her pet.
- * Pratt, Kristin Joy, A Swim Through the Sea. Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications, 1994.
- A seahorse discovers many of the other creatures who share the ocean with him.
- * Pratt, Kristen Joy, A Walk in the Rainforest. Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications, 1992.
- An ant journeys through the rainforest, discovering many wondrous plants and animals.
- * Dr. Seuss, The Lorax, Random House, 1971
Who speaks for the trees? The Lorax does in this cautionary tale of forgetting our place iin the web of life as we pursue money and fame. - * Sheehan, Katherine and Waidner, Mary, Earth Child, Council Oak Books, 1997
An indispensabe source for ecological parents and educators who wish to know more. Includes all sorts of games, stories, and activities involving the earth. - * Silverstein, Shel, The Giving Tree, Harper and Row, 1964
This classic story about the relationship between a boy and a tree is both a lesson in unconditional love and a reminder of all the gifts we receive from trees. It also gets kids thinking about how they might reciprocate by caring for trees in return. - *Simon, Seymour, Galaxies. New York: Morrow Junior Books, 1988.
- Explains the shapes and origins of different kinds of galaxies, including our own Milky Way.
- * Simon, Seymour, The Universe. Singapore: Harper Collins Publishers, 1998.
- A scientific description of the universe, its origins, and many of its phenomena. Illustrated with beautiful photographs, many of which were taken with the Hubble telescope.
- *Thomas, Water Dance. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1997.
- A poetic, first-person narrative of the water cycle.
- * Thornhill, Jan, A Tree in a Forest. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
- A sugar maple lives for more than two hundred years, and witnesses many changes during its lifetime. Both humans and animals interact with the tree during its lifecycle